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Talks & Workshops

Talks & workshops are a great way to engage a team or group on a single, relatable topic.

They create the time and space for people to reflect, learn and challenge their existing perspectives, and provide new tools, techniques and approaches to help people take action and change, for the benefit of themselves and the organisation.  


For those people desiring or requiring further development support, talks & workshops can also trigger critical insight and provide the catalyst for them to take that next step to growth.

Below are a number of talk & workshop topics, providing a flavour of what is possible.

stress and burnout

Stress & Burnout

A review of the science of burnout,

why it happens and what we need to avoid it. 

Introducing 5 practical habits for people to reflect upon to ensure they stay on top of their stress levels, optimise wellbeing and avoid burnout.

confidence and positivity public speaking talk

Confidence & Positivity

An introduction to 12 lessons that people can follow to help develop and maintain confidence and positivity in their careers. 


Drawing on the science of psychology and some of the common challenges experienced with a broad range of coaching clients

personal leadership

Personal Leadership

An interactive review of 3 core principles that underpin self-leadership and precede effective leadership of others:

Knowing your Values

Knowing your Purpose

Setting your Leadership Vision 

change management public speaking talk

Change Management

Looking at life after lockdown and the so called 'new normal' following Covid-19.


An exploration of 5 key principles of adapting to change and managing your team through ongoing uncertainty.

be your best

Your Best Self

A look at what it takes for us all to thrive, reviewing basic physical, emotional and cognitive needs alongside ways to determine and meet our own unique needs. 

Exploring health & wellbeing as well as values, priorities, strength-finding and purpose. 

engagement and influence talk

Engagement & Influence

A review of the core components of effective engagement along with tips on what to consider, what to do and what to avoid. 


Introducing a number of simple and practical tools and techniques to help people engage and influence others.

self management and self care


A review of what it takes to stay on top by managing the demand placed on you and your capacity to deal with it.  


Exploring the science of wellbeing and practical approaches to managing the expectations, time and energy of you and others.


"Very insightful - provides a strategy for me, whether personally or professionally, to manage stress"

"I thought the content was brilliant and something we can all relate to"

"As someone that's struggled with self confidence issues for the last 30 years, this has given me several points to look at and work with"

"You really have a special gift to provoke thought and help people change"

"Really positive and enlightening!"

"Martin's advice has given me tangible steps I can now take to get unstuck

I feel quite excited I can now move forward from here"

"The event yesterday was excellentMartin is a clear and careful speaker, easy to follow and communicates his point well.

Very much enjoyed it."

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