In 365 days the sun will set on another year. Where do you want to be, and how do you want to feel when it does?
If the answer is 'don't mind', 'don't care', or 'exactly where I am', then this article probably isn't for you.
If what you seek is something new, take a moment to determine how to get it.
The future that's coming...
Picture yourself a year from now, having continued just as you are.
Where will you be?
What will you have?
How satisfied will you be with it?
The future you want...
Picture yourself a year from now, having gained all that you want.
Where will you be?
What will you have?
What will you have gained that matters most?
One key change...
What do you need to change to enable the future you want?
Is it something you start?
Is it something you stop?
Is it someone you seek for help?
Don't wait for tomorrow, next week or 'sometime this year'.
Make the change that matters most now. Your future self will thank you!
Good luck!
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